Friday, April 27, 2012

Learning to Code Online

In my closing keynote at Mix-It 2012, I talked about why I think everyone should learn programming as a basic skill and then about the various non-traditional ways that programming can be learned, both online and in person. I personally prefer the approach of learning to code in person, around humans that can be there to explain why things work (or don't work), but not everyone has the opportunity to learn in person — so it's great that there are people out there experimenting with online education.

While researching the talk, I was surprised to find that there are a lot of ways to learn to code online, many of which I wasn't familiar with, so I thought I'd take a minute to list them here. If you've tried any of these or know anyone who has, let me know in the comments how it was.

University Lectures

Many top-tier universities are now making their curriculum available for free online, like their videos and sometimes homework and lecture notes. You won't earn an actual degree from watching them, but you will benefit from seeing how some of the smartest professors explain computer science concepts.

  • UNSW: Computer Science professor Richard Buckland puts many of his computer science course lectures available on YouTube. (My roommate learned coding from watching his talks!)
  • MIT: The entire university has an OpenCourseWare initiative to put as much as their lectures online as they can, and that includes about 244 courses from the department of Computer Science and engineering.
  • Stanford: They are experimenting with the concept of virtual students for some of their classes (including some non-CS ones), where you can sign up for free, watch the lectures as they happen and actually do the homework.
  • Coursera: A site started by Stanford professors, it is aggregating together a few top-tier universities following in Stanford's steps and encouraging more to join.
  • Udacity: A similar site to Coursera (and also started by Stanford professors!).

Online Courses

Many folks have realized that you can teach programming without being a university professor and are building platforms and tools to teach online and/or to encourage people to teach eachother.

  • Udacity: A set of nanodegrees to teach you modern skills in particular career areas, like frontend or mobile. Often taught by industry professionals, and includes code reviews from alums.
  • Khan Academy: A non-profit that wants to make education freely available, they have interactive courses on JS, HTML, and SQL.
  • CodeSchool: A site with interactive tutorials and videos, ranging from newbie (like the famous TryRuby from Why-the-lucky-stuff) to more advanced.
  • Udemy: A platform for letting anyone create a course (with a set of video lectures) and then charge for people to watch it (usually around $30). It's not programming-specific, but there are a few beginner-level courses up on it.
  • Codecademy: A startup that teaches coding through interactive (JavaScript-based) tutorials and rewards you with badges for making progress through the tutorials. They also created CodeYear, a way of subscribing to their lessons one week at a time.
  • Bloc: An online, paid custom tailored curriculum for learning design, web development (ruby), and iOS, including personal mentorship and interaction with other students.
  • Team Treehouse: This startup teaches web design, web development, and iOS development through videos and quizzes.
  • AppendTo: A series of training videos on JavaScript and jQuery, offered by a consulting agency.
  • CodeAvengers: Play a game and learn JS at the same time.
  • iHeartPy: An online lesson in Python, with badges.
  • SkillCrush: A just-launched startup with tutorials on practical web development topics (including not as technical topics like "Beautify your blog") and a daily newsletter with terms of the day.

And of course, there are also sites that attempt to aggregate many of the above sources, so that you don't have to visit them all: CourseBacon and Teach Yourself To Code.

If you try one of these out and get frustrated, don't give up - take a break, try again, ask a friend, or try something else. Programming is hard to learn, and even harder if you're going about it on your own. Good on you for taking it on, either way!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Theming Tumblr with Twitter Bootstrap

I started a blog recently for EatDifferent and I decided to use Tumblr as the blogging platform, as it has more of a community than other platforms. I wanted the blog to share some of the look & feel of the main site, for consistency's sake, so I choose to make my own custom Tumblr theme instead of using a pre-set theme from the gallery. I also wanted the blog to share some of the look & feel of the Stripe blog, because I think it's just so pretty — the author photos, the outset photos, the ample whitespace. After a few hours of hardcore copying, pasting, and tweaking from the various stylesheets, I achieved my goal. You can see what I came up with on the live EatDifferent blog or in the screenshot below:

Since I figure other people might also want to use Twitter Bootstrap in their Tumblr theme (like if you're already using it for your main site), I spent a few more minutes making a generic version of the theme. You can see it on the demo blog or in the screenshot below:

If you want to use it as a base for your theme, just grab it from this gist and modify away.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Using the Instagram API from a Python Flask App

Instagram came out with their Android app last week, and finally I had a solution to the age-old problem: all my home-cooked, healthy meals look like crap when photographed with my Android Nexus S camera, and so my EatDifferent stream was not so enticing. Thanks to the Instagram filters, I can now take photos of my meals that actually look somewhat palatable. I could have just taken photos with the Instagram app and uploaded them via the EatDifferent mobile app, but since Instagram offers an API, I wanted to see if I could use the API to automatically import photos from Instagram into EatDifferent. Well, as it turns out, I could, and it was a fairly easy feat, thanks in large part to the Python Instagram API wrapper. Here's a rundown of how it works.

Authenticating Users

Instagram uses OAuth2 for authentication, which means that my app needs a flow which redirect users to Instagram, gets a token from them, upgrades that to an access token, and then saves that access token for any time it wants to make authenticated requests on behalf of the user.

On the settings page, users click on a button that hits this view and redirects them to Instagram:

def authorize_instagram():
    from instagram import client

    redirect_uri = (util.get_host() + url_for('handle_instagram_authorization'))
    instagram_client = client.InstagramAPI(client_id=INSTAGRAM_CLIENT, client_secret=INSTAGRAM_SECRET, redirect_uri=redirect_uri)
    return redirect(instagram_client.get_authorize_url(scope=['basic']))

Then, when Instagram redirects back to my app, it hits this view which upgrades to an access token and saves it:

def handle_instagram_authorization():
    from instagram import client

    code = request.values.get('code')
    if not code:
        return error_response('Missing code')
        redirect_uri = (util.get_host() + url_for('handle_instagram_authorization'))
        instagram_client = client.InstagramAPI(client_id=INSTAGRAM_CLIENT, client_secret=INSTAGRAM_SECRET, redirect_uri=redirect_uri)
        access_token, instagram_user = instagram_client.exchange_code_for_access_token(code)
        if not access_token:
            return error_response('Could not get access token')
        g.user.instagram_userid = instagram_user['id']
        g.user.instagram_auth   = access_token
        deferred.defer(fetch_instagram_for_user, g.user.get_id(), count=20, _queue='instagram')
    except Exception, e:
        return error_response('Error')
    return redirect(url_for('settings_data') + '?after_instagram_auth=True')

Parsing Posts

As you might notice in the above code, I call a method to fetch the user's latest Instagram posts after I've saved their authentication information. I defer that method using App Engine task queues, since it could take some time, and I don't need to do that while the user is waiting.

In the code to fetch the posts, I only process posts which are tagged with "ED" or "eatdifferent", since there may be times when a user wants to post something other than meals. I also check in memcache if I've already seen this update before processing it. I could also store a max ID seen for each user and do it that way, but given the small number of posts I'm processing on average, I went with the solution which uses more memcache hits but is also more straightforward.

def fetch_instagram_for_user(user_id, count=3):
    from instagram import client

    user = models.User.get_by_id(user_id)
    if not user.instagram_auth or not user.instagram_userid:

    instagram_client = client.InstagramAPI(access_token=user.instagram_auth)
    recent_media, next = instagram_client.user_recent_media(user_id=user.instagram_userid, count=count)
    for media in recent_media:
        tags = []
        for tag in media.tags:
        if not ('eatdifferent' in tags or 'ed' in tags):
        cache_key = 'instagram-%s-%s' % (user.get_id(),
        if util.get_from_cache(cache_key) and False:
        imports.import_instagram(user, media)
        util.put_in_cache(cache_key, 'true')

Subscribing to Posts

Now, I want to know whenever an authenticated user updates a new photo, so that I can import it if it's tagged appropriately. The Instagram API uses parts of the PubSubHubBub protocol to let you subscribe to real-time updates. You can subscribe to all posts with particular tags, but you can also subscribe to all posts by your app's authenticated users, and in my case, that's the lower noise option. (There's a surprising number of folks using the tag "#ED", presumably tagging everyone they know named "Ed").

I only had to setup the subscription once (well, once for the test server and once for deployed), using this code:

    instagram_client = client.InstagramAPI(client_id=INSTAGRAM_CLIENT, client_secret=INSTAGRAM_SECRET)
    callback_url = ''
    instagram_client.create_subscription(object='user', aspect='media', callback_url=callback_url)

When my app gets hit at the callback URL, it goes to this view which either responds to the hub challenge (if it's the first time Instagram is hitting the callback URL, to verify the subscription) or if it's an actual update, it verifies its from Instagram and calls another function to parse the update.

def parse_instagram():
    from instagram import client, subscriptions

    mode         = request.values.get('hub.mode')
    challenge    = request.values.get('hub.challenge')
    verify_token = request.values.get('hub.verify_token')
    if challenge: 
        return Response(challenge)
        reactor = subscriptions.SubscriptionsReactor()
        reactor.register_callback(subscriptions.SubscriptionType.USER, parse_instagram_update)

        x_hub_signature = request.headers.get('X-Hub-Signature')
        raw_response    =
            reactor.process(INSTAGRAM_SECRET, raw_response, x_hub_signature)
        except subscriptions.SubscriptionVerifyError:
            logging.error('Instagram signature mismatch')
    return Response('Parsed instagram')

In this function, I extract the Instagram user ID from the update JSON, find the user(s) that connected with that ID, and once again, set up a deferred task to fetch their updates. I also set a countdown of 2 minutes for that task, as I saw issues where the update would exist in the Instagram but wouldn't have all the data yet (like the tags), maybe a stale data propagation issue on their side.

def parse_instagram_update(update):
    instagram_userid = update['object_id']
    users = models.User.all().filter('instagram_userid =', instagram_userid).fetch(10)
    if len(users) == 0:'Didnt find matching users for this update')
    for user in users:
        deferred.defer(fetch_instagram_for_user, user.get_id(), _queue='instagram', _countdown=120)

And that's pretty much it- it's a fun app and a fun API. Hopefully they both stick around after their Facebook acquisition this week. ☺

Monday, April 9, 2012

Horsing Around Arizona

A few weeks ago, Anton and I took a road trip out west. In our original wild scheme, we were going to road trip all the way from San Francisco to New York… but then we found out that a) most of America is boring and b) renting a car for that long and that far is expensive. So instead, we flew into Phoenix, rented a Zipcar, and drove it to the Grand Canyon and back over four days, arriving just in time for JSConf. So it wasn't really the grand epic adventure we once envisioned, but it was still pretty damn cool. Let me take you on a little photo journey...

We started off our trip with a leisurely drive around Sedona, taking in the cactus-spotted scenery and the impressive rock formations.

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We realized that we didn't really know anything about the history of the area, so we checked out Tuzigoot and Monetezuma Castle, learning about the badass Sinagua tribes that literally carved their homes into the cliffs - and climbed up and down each day. Impressive!


Then we drove up to Jerome and checked out their famous ghost town. We got behind the wheel of a few rusty vintage cars, and I even got to feed a real live donkey! We tried to stop for a drink in their saloon, but, well, ghosts aren't so good at serving alcohol.

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Next we drove up to Flagstaff, found ourself a cheap motel on Historic Route 66, and used that as our base for a couple nights. From there, we drove up to the south rim of the Grand Canyon and hiked the South Kaibab trail, past the "Oooh-Ahh point" and up til the "Cedar Ridge" point, where we relaxed and took in the surreal, spectacular scenery.

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After all that road tripping, we were ready for some nerding out. We spent a sunny Sunday at NotConf, where I spoke on my undying hatred for quadruple nested ternary operators and Anton enjoyed some quality hacking time. Then we spent the next few days at JSConf, taking in some amazing talks and meeting the best of the best JavaScript developers. And, yes, we might have taken a few compromising photos of our roommate.

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What a week! By the time we got onto our airplane ride, I was exhausted and ready to hit the hay. Until next time, Arizona!


Monday, April 2, 2012

Converting Addresses to Timezones in Python

In a perfect world, we'd all live in the same timezone and it would be the same time everywhere. Unfortunately, we have a sun, and the earth goes around the sun, and the earth is round, and someone invented the concept of time, and now we programmers have to deal with it.

For EatDifferent, I give users the option of getting email reminders — one in the morning, and one at night — so that means I need to know the user's timezone. I could just ask them for their timezone by prompting them with a giant drop-down, but I don't want to make my sign-up form longer, and I have yet to find a user-friendly timezone selection widget. So, instead, I ask for their location, and try to programmatically figure out their timezone from the location string.

When I originally implemented location to timezone conversion, I used an API from SimpleGeo that I could send an address to and get a timezone back. Unfortunately, SimpleGeo was acquired by Urban Airship, and their APIs were shut down this week — so I needed to find a new solution, stat. After searching around for a while, I found a few APIs that convert latitude, longitude coordinates into timezones, but no APIs that convert addresses into timezones — which meant I needed to first use a geocoding API to convert the address into coordinates, and then feed that into one of those timezone APIs. Since I only do this conversion once per user and I needed to use two APIs for one conversion, I wanted to use APIs that were either free or low-cost, transaction-priced.

Addresses -> Coordinates

When I asked on Twitter for geocoding suggestions, I got a few good tips: CloudMade, Yahoo! PlaceFinder, Geocoda, DeCarta, and of course, Google. CloudMade and Yahoo both looked like promising candidates, but since I'm already so familiar with the Google API from my years of actually working on the Google Maps API team, I decided to go with what I know. The Google terms of service requires that all apps using the geocoder eventually display the geocoded coordinates on a map, so I'll add mini maps to user profiles to appease the terms.

To use the Google geocoder from my app, I used this Python wrapper for the API. Here's what my code looks like for geocoding the address string and saving the results to the User entity:

    geocoder_client = geocoder.Geocoder()
    geocoder_result = geocoder_client.geocode(user.location.encode('utf-8'))    = geocoder_result.country__short_name       = geocoder_result.locality
    user.latlng     = db.GeoPt(*geocoder_result.coordinates)
except geocoder.GeocoderError, err:
    logging.error('Error geocoding location for user %s: %s' % (user.get_id(), err))      

Coordinates -> Timezones

I had a few options for calculating the timezone now: Geonames, AskGeo, EarthTools, World Time Engine. I went with Geonames because it returns an Olson timezone string (which is what Python pytz uses) instead of an offset or other timezone identifier, and because its free for my needs.

I looked around for a Geonames python wrapper, but when I found only old ones, I wrote a really simple wrapper based on the Geocoder API client, so that I could call it in a similar way.

    geonames_client = geonames.GeonamesClient('myusername')
    geonames_result = geonames_client.find_timezone({'lat':, 'lng': user.latlng.lon})
    user.timezone = geonames_result['timezoneId']
except geonames.GeonamesError, err:
    logging.error('Error getting timezone for user %s: %s' % (user.get_id(), err))

My solution requires chaining two APIs together, which means double the requests and double the chance of failure, but I calculate the timezone in a deferred task, so that the user isn't waiting for it to happen, and I can set it up so that the task is retried in case of error. So far, the APIs have both been responsive and the solution is working as well as the original SimpleGeo single API call.

After I calculate the timezone, I let the user edit it by creating a dropdown with all the possible timezones (and there are a lot, atleast according to pytz) and selecting the calculated timezone (or if none was found, a default of America/Los_Angeles). Here's the code that creates the timezone dropdown using WTForms:

import pytz
import datetime
timezones = []
for tz in pytz.common_timezones:
    now =
    timezones.append([tz, '%s - GMT%s' % (tz, now.strftime("%z"))])
timezone = wtf.SelectField('Timezone', choices=tuple(timezones))

In the future, I would like to actually present the user with a slick way of choosing their timezone, once I figure out what that looks like. So, how do you deal with timezones in your apps?