Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Our Backbone Stack

Backbone is a base to build on top of. It gives you a framework for separating your data and your presentation into models and views, but there is a lot that it doesn't give you. It's up to you to figure out what else your unique app needs, and how much of that you'll get from open-source libraries or decide to write yourselves. I see that as both a good and a bad thing. It's good because Backbone can lend itself to many different sorts of apps, with the right combination of add-ons, but it's bad because it takes longer to find those add-ons and get them working happily together.

Saying all that, I thought I'd share what our "backbone stack" is at Coursera. I'd love to hear about your own stacks in the comments.

AJAX calls

After finding ourselves making the same modifications repeatedly to our AJAX calls, we created custom wrapper libraries to take care of those commonalities:

api.js is an AJAX API wrapper that takes care of emulating patch requests, triggering events, showing AJAX loading/loaded messages via asyncMessages.js, and creating CSRF tokens in the client. We use this from both our Backbone and non-Backbone code.

backbone.api.js is a Backbone-specific wrapper for api.js that overrides the sync method and adds create/update/read/delete methods. We mix this into our Backbone models like so:

_.extend(model.prototype, BackboneModelAPI);

Relational Models

Out of the box, Backbone will take JSON from a RESTful API and automatically turn it into a Model or a Collection of Models. However, we have many APIs that return JSON that really represent multiple models (from multiple tables in our MySQL database), like courses with universities:

[{"name": "Game Theory",
 "id": 2,
 "universities": [{"name": "Stanford"}, {"name": "UBC"}

We quickly realized we needed a way to model that on the frontend, if we wanted to be able to use model-specific functionality on the nested models (which we often do).

Backbone-relational is an external library that makes it easier to deal with turning JSON into models/collections with sub collections inside of them, by specifying the relations like so:

var Course = Backbone.RelationalModel.extends({
   relations: [{
      type: Backbone.HasMany,
      key: 'universities',
      relatedModel: University,
      collectionType: Universities

We started use that for many of our Backbone apps, but we've had some performance and caching issues with it, so we've started stripping it out in our model-heavy-apps and manually doing the conversion into nested models.

You could also use: Backbone.nested.


Backbone lets you create views and render views into arbitrary parts of your DOM, but many developers soon run into the desire for "regions" or "layouts". We want to specify different parts of their page, and only swap out the view in those parts across routes - like the header, footer, and main area. That's a better user experience, since there's no unnecessary refreshing of unchanging DOM.

origami.js is a custom library that lets us create regions associated with views, and then in a route, we'll specify which region we want to replace with a particular view file, plus additional options to pass to that view. In the view, we can bind to region events like "view:merged" or "view:appended" and take appropriate actions.

Our syntax for specifying the view regions is admittedly a bit unwieldy, but you get the idea:{
  "pages/home/template/page": {
    regions: {
      header: {
        "pages/home/template/header": {
          initialize: {
            universityPartnerType: university.get('partner_type')
      body: {
        "pages/home/university/universityPage": {
          initialize: {
            university: university

Our region library also keeps track of "dirty models" and is responsible for throwing up a modal alert when the user tries to leave the view that there's unsaved data (similar to how you'd do a window.unload for a traditional website).

You could also use: Marionette.js or Chaplin.


Backbone requires Underscore as a dependency, and since Underscore includes a basic templating library, that's the one you'll see in the Backbone docs. However, we wanted a bit more out of our templating library.

Jade is a whitespace-significant, bracket-less HTML templating library. It's clean to look at because of the lack of brackets and the enforced indenting (like Python and Stylus), but it's best feature (in my opinion) is that it auto-closes HTML tags. I've dealt with too many strange bugs from un-closed tags, and I like that it's one more thing I don't have to worry about when using Jade. Here's an example:

    h1 {#book.get('title')}
    each author in book.get('authors')
        a(href=author.get('url')) {#author.get('name')}
    if book.get('published')
        a.btn.btn-large(href="/buy") Buy now!

You could also use: Handlebars, Mustache, or many other options.

Data Binding

Backbone makes it easy for you to find out when attributes on your Model have changed, via the "changed" event, and to query for all changed attributes since the last save via the changedAttributes method, but it does not officially offer any data ⟺ dom binding. If you are building an app where the user can change the data after it's been rendered, then you will find yourself wanting some sort of data binding to re-render that data when appropriate. We have many parts of Coursera where we need very little data-binding, like our course dashboard and course description pages, but we have other parts which are all data-binding, all-the-time, like our discussion forums and all of our admin editing interfaces.

Backbone.stickit is a lightweight data-binding library that we've started to use for a few of our admin interfaces. Here's a simple example from their docs:

Backbone.View.extend({bindings: {
    '#title': 'title',
    '#author': 'authorName'
  },render: function() {
    this.$el.html('<div id="title"/><input id="author">');

We still do custom data-binding for many of our views (using the "changed" event, changedAttributes(), and partial re-rendering), and I like that because it gives me the most control to decide exactly how a view should change, and I don't have to fight against a binding library's assumptions.

You could also use: KnockBack


Backbone offers the Router class and Backbone.History for creating a single-page web app experience, where the URL changes completely and the history is managed via that URL. In some cases, however, I use Backbone to create "widgets" that I can place on existing URLs, and I want to maintain history and back button in those widgets without changing the main URL of the page.

jQuery BBQ is an external non-Backbone specific library for maintaining history in the hash, and as it turns out, it works pretty well with Backbone. You can read my blog post on it for a detailed explanation.

You could also use: Backbone.Widget.

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