Thursday, October 21, 2010

An Unofficial Guide to Geeking It Up Around Sydney

Before I came to live in Sydney, I actually spent a day googling for information on the Sydney developer scene, learning about the local startups, user groups, and mailing lists. I didn't know anyone in Sydney, and I wanted to make sure I both had a way to get to know locals (make new friends!) and also figure out what sort of Google developer events I should organize. In just my first weekend in Sydney, I attended BarCamp Sydney 4 and met many of the people that I'm friends with today, and since then, I've attended something like 50 local meetups, "drink-ups", hackathons, and conferences.

I think it's really fun to attend events from a get-to-know-others perspective and really useful to attend events from a learn-what-others-are-doing perspective, and I want to make sure every Sydney developer is aware of the events going on around them. So, for last night's Girl Geeks Dinner lightning talks, I put together a short preso on the local developer scene, and I've embedded it below. Hope to see you at an upcoming event!

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