Sunday, August 28, 2011

Spriting with Compass

I use little icons in various places on EatDifferent, like to show food bonuses in the stream:

The browser can take a while to load lots of images since it has to make a request for each one, so I decided to implement icon spriting - baking all the images into one image, and using background-position in CSS to make what appears like a standalone icon.

Thankfully, I was already using SASS and Compass for my CSS, and it comes with built in spriting.

After putting my icons in one folder (and sizing them all to be 16*16 pixels), I added this to the top of my .scss file:

    @import "icon/*.png";
    @include all-icon-sprites;

I also specified sizing and display properties for the special "icon-sprite" class in my .scss file:

    .icon-sprite {
      width: 16px;
      height: 16px;
      display: inline-block;
      margin-right: 2px;

Compass then auto-generated CSS rules for my icons - one rule to specify the background for each of them, and a rule per icon to specify the background-position. It also applies any of the ".icon-sprite" rules it found to all of the generated icon classes. Here's a snippet of the auto-generated rules:

    .icon-sprite, .icon-activity, .icon-android, .icon-bodylog, .icon-buddies, .icon-camera, .icon-comment, .icon-edit, .icon-female, .icon-foodlog, .icon-grassfedmeat, .icon-highfive, .icon-home, .icon-homecooked, .icon-localfood, .icon-logs, .icon-organicveg, .icon-profile, .icon-reminder, .icon-settings, .icon-settings2, .icon-stats, .icon-stats2, .icon-sustseafood, .icon-tip {
      background: url('/img/icon-s97f5308db7.png') no-repeat;

    .icon-activity {
      background-position: 0 0;

    .icon-android {
      background-position: 0 -27px;

    /* line 99, ../sass/_common.scss */
    .icon-sprite, .icon-activity, .icon-android, .icon-bodylog, .icon-buddies, .icon-camera, .icon-comment, .icon-edit, .icon-female, .icon-foodlog, .icon-grassfedmeat, .icon-highfive, .icon-home, .icon-homecooked, .icon-localfood, .icon-logs, .icon-organicveg, .icon-profile, .icon-reminder, .icon-settings, .icon-settings2, .icon-stats, .icon-stats2, .icon-sustseafood, .icon-tip {
      width: 16px;
      height: 16px;
      display: inline-block;
      margin-right: 2px;

I measured the loading performance of my site before and after spriting, using the HAR Viewer, and these are the results:

Before: 28 requests 2.61s (onload: 1.92s, DOMContentLoaded: 1.64s)
After: 15 requests 1.09s (onload: 817ms, DOMContentLoaded: 600ms)

As you can see, spriting had a significant effect on performance. I definitely recommend spriting (and Compass) for sites that display multiple images on page load.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

WDCNZ: The Developer Experience

Last month, I had the honor of giving the first talk of the day at WDCNZ, a new conference in Wellington, New Zealand. WDCNZ was the brainchild of Owen Evans, one of the lead developers at Xero, and his goal in putting it together was to provide a full day of technical talks for web developers and to bring the local web development community together. I wanted to give a talk that would be interesting to web developers of all different sorts, and also would be something I'm passionate about myself - so I decided to give a talk around a topic I wrote a handbook about and discussed in recent blog posts - "The Developer Experience."

For my talk, I wanted to explain what I think of as "developer experience", motivate people to really care about it, and give concrete examples of what makes for a great experience. It was an interesting talk to prepare and give, and hopefully gets other people thinking about the topic and giving similar talks in the future. I've embedded the slides and video below so you can watch for yourself what I said. Thank you to WDCNZ for giving me the opportunity to give the talk and for an awesome conference!

The Developer Experience (Slides)

The Developer Experience from WDCNZ on Vimeo.