Friday, October 21, 2011

PhoneGap Loading Performance in iOS

As I wrote about earlier, I've been working on the performance of my PhoneGap app, implementing many of the suggestions from this article.

One of the suggestions that article makes is to switch frameworks from something heavy like jQuery (which includes a lot of extra code that may not be necessary on mobile browsers) to something lighter like Zepto or XUI.

I currently use jQuery in my app -- not because I use jQuery a lot in my own code, but because I use a handful of third-party-written jQuery plugins. I could easily port over my own code to a new framework but I don't know how easy it would be to port over someone else's.

So, before I looked into porting from jQuery, I wanted to figure out exactly what effect jQuery had on performance. I'm most concerned with user-facing loading latency versus already-running performance as that's where I perceive the greatest latency in my app, so I decided to see how long it took for the browser to load my HTML, CSS, and JS.

First I wrote a basic function to record times of events and I used it to record events after the CSS, HTML, jQuery script tag, other script tag, document ready, and execution of my setup function This is a stripped down version of what it looked like:

Then I recorded the times in Chrome, iPhone Simulator, and actual iPhone (on the same WIFI network), and graphed them in a spreadsheet. Here's a chart of the results:

As you can see from the chart, the iPhone browser is noticeably slower than Chrome and the simulator, and the jQuery script tag (90 KB) takes 35% of the loading time - same as the custom script tag (220KB). But it's only 300ms, which isn't as slow as I expected and for now, it doesn't seem worth it for me to try to port away from jQuery.

Update (11/20/2011): I have since ported away from jQuery and written that up in this post..

Update (12/13/2011): It's been pointed out that when it comes to measuring the "loading times" for resources, this is not the most precise technique, as it it doesn't reveal the difference between the download time, the parsing time, and the execution time. (In the case of jQuery, I believe much of the time I recorded came from the execution.) For that breakdown, I've been recommended weinre.

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