Thursday, April 12, 2012

Theming Tumblr with Twitter Bootstrap

I started a blog recently for EatDifferent and I decided to use Tumblr as the blogging platform, as it has more of a community than other platforms. I wanted the blog to share some of the look & feel of the main site, for consistency's sake, so I choose to make my own custom Tumblr theme instead of using a pre-set theme from the gallery. I also wanted the blog to share some of the look & feel of the Stripe blog, because I think it's just so pretty — the author photos, the outset photos, the ample whitespace. After a few hours of hardcore copying, pasting, and tweaking from the various stylesheets, I achieved my goal. You can see what I came up with on the live EatDifferent blog or in the screenshot below:

Since I figure other people might also want to use Twitter Bootstrap in their Tumblr theme (like if you're already using it for your main site), I spent a few more minutes making a generic version of the theme. You can see it on the demo blog or in the screenshot below:

If you want to use it as a base for your theme, just grab it from this gist and modify away.

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