Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Deploying to App Service free tier with Bicep

I've started moving as many samples as possible to using the Azure App Service free tier. It's a tier with a lot of limitations since it's just designed to give developers a feel for the offering before moving on to production-level tiers, but it can be a good fit for sample code.

Since all of my Azure samples are designed to be deployed with the Azure Developer CLI, they all contain infra/ folders with Bicep files describing the resources to be deployed.

To deploy a web app to App Service free tier, you need to make a few changes:

  1. For the App Service Plan ('Microsoft.Web/serverfarms'), set the sku to 'F1'.
  2. For the App Service itself ('Microsoft.Web/sites'), set properties.siteConfig.alwaysOn to false and properties.siteConfig.use32BitWorkerProcess to true. Those changes are necessary to avoid errors, since free tier App Service doesn't support always-on or 64-bit workers.

To help out folks who are searching the web for answers, here's an error you may encounter with the wrong configuration:

Cannot update the site 'your-site-name-here' because it uses x64 worker process which is not allowed in the target compute mode.

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